Solo Show “What Am I Doing Here?”, Southern Utah Museum of Art, Cedar City, UT
SeriesFest, Denver, CO
Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival, Switzerland
Court Mais Trash, Brussels, Belgium
Abracadabra Alakazamofficial, Los Angeles, CA
Seattle International Film Festival, Seattle, WA
Moscow Shorts ISFF, Russia
Terminus Film Festival, Atlanta, GA
Austin Action Fest, Austin, TX
Nightpiece Film Festival (Edinburgh Fringe), Scotland
Beijing Indie Short Film Festival, China
Fighting Spirit Film Festival, London, England
Twin Tiers International Film Festival, Norwich, NY
Funcinema Festival de Cine, Mar del Plata, Argentina
Lausanne Underground Film Festival, Switzerland
Urban Action Showcase International Action Film Festival, New York City
Montana Film Festival, Missoula, MT
Another Hole in the Head International Genre Film Festival, San Francisco, CA
Sick 'n' Wrong Film Festival, Orlando, FL
Genre Celebration Festival, Tokyo
Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival, Belgium
Boston Underground Film Festival, Boston, MA
La Projo des Petits Grégory, Strasbourg, France
West Hollywood Women’s History Month Mini Film Festival, West Hollywood, CA
Slamdance Film Festival, Park City, UT
Seattle International Film Festival, Seattle, WA
Florida Film Festival, Orlando, FL
Scream Queens FilmFest Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
HollyShorts, Hollywood, CA
Hollywood Comedy Short Film Festival, Hollywood, CA (Winner: Best Cringe Comedy)
Sydney Underground Film Festival, Sydney, Australia
San Diego Underground Film Festival, San Diego, CA
Razor Reel Flanders Film Festival, Bruges, Belgium
Hell's Half Mile, Bay City, MI
Ozark Shorts, Los Angeles, CA
Short Film Corner at Cannes Film Festival, Cannes, France
Stark County International Short Film Series, Canton, Ohio
Exorcist, SCA Gallery, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
The Skull Show, The Studio, Las Vegas, NV
NewFilmmakers New York, New York, NY
SF Indie Fest’s Another Hole in the Head, San Francisco, CA (Winner: Best US Short)
Womanhouse (curated by Mira Schor)-A.i.r. Gallery, New York, NY
Skull Show Biennial-Donna Beam Fine Art Gallery, UNLV, Las Vegas, NV
NMC10-Brick City Gallery, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO
NMC10-Llewellyn Gallery, Alfred State College, NY
NMC10- Sleeth Gallery, West Virgina Wesleyan College
Cassidy Theatre, Chicago Cultural Center, CAA Conference, Chicago, IL
NMC10-College Art Association Conference, Chicago, IL
MOMA PopRally: Abstract Currents-New York, NY
Ladyparts-87 Florida, Washington D.C.
Hugely Tiny-Los Angeles, CA
Hartford New Music Festival-Hartford, CT
We She Us Me-Launch Art, Peterborough, NH
Vogue Knitting Live-Los Angeles, CA
Trampolim-Galeria Homera Massena, Vitoria, Brazil
First Move-Directors Guild of America, Los Angeles, CA
Times, Interludes, and Actions - CAA, New York City, NY
Boom! - Picaflor Gallery, Atlanta, GA
Public Records-Museum of Public Fiction, Los Angeles, CA
The Business of Aura-Broadway Gallery, New York City, NY
Conflux Festival-New York City, New York
ServileAnce-X-Ray, London, England
Off the Strip-Contemporary Arts Center, Las Vegas, NV
Objectified: the domestication of the industrial-Honfleur Gallery, Washington, DC
Anti/Surveillance Fashion Show-Maker Faire, San Mateo, CA
What If? 60x60x60-Axiom Gallery, Jamaica Plain, MA
ABCyz-New York City, New York
Conflux Festival-New York City, New York
Screengrab: Intervention-James Cook University, Queensland, Australia
Low Lives-FiveMyles in NYC; Diaspora Vibe Gallery in FL; laotanica in TX
60x60: New Media: New Music: New England, University of Hartford, CT
Analog Interactivity (curated by Xtine Burrough), the New Media Caucus, CAA-LA, CA
Boston Cyberarts, Boston, MA
16th Annual New Genre Art Festival - [::ART.net::] -Tulsa, OK
RISD Northeast Alumni Biennial-Arsenal Center for the Arts, Watertown, MA
Conflux Festival-New York City, New York
Coded-Living Arts, Tulsa, OK
Selections-Sol Koffler Gallery, Providence, RI
RISD Summer Faculty Exhibition-Woods-Gerry Gallery, Providence, RI
Modded/Modattu-with Rachelle Beaudoin, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland
Social Fabrics-curated by Susan Ryan and Patrick Lichty, College Art Association, Dallas, TX
LABOR [ETHEREAL] Web Exhibition-curated by J. D. McPherson, Jr.
Like, Love, Lust; a Tribute to Michael Sarich-Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, NV
MFA Thesis Exhibition-Convention Center, Providence, RI
Rites of Passage: The Mortality of Time, Nave Gallery, Somerville, MA
fear/less-Sol Koffler Gallery, Providence, RI
Women in Film & Video/New England (screening)-Brattle Theater, Cambridge, MA
Parallel Realities: Artist, Writer, Viewer-Sol Koffler Gallery, Providence, RI
Animata-Sol Koffler Gallery, Providence, RI
Inport-International Video/Performance Art Festival, Tallinn, Estonia
Pixilerations v.4,-FirstWorksProv, Providence, RI
MFA Review Exhibition-The Space at Alice, Providence, RI
Whimsy Sex-Sol Koffler Gallery, Providence, RI
Bars and Tone-Stairwell Gallery, Providence, RI
Little is the New Big-RISD Fletcher Building, Providence, RI
Synthetic-Neopolitan Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Proximity-Joint show with Bud Fujikawa-Brew House, Space 101, Pittsburgh, PA
art4auction-Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, NV
8th Biennial Valentine Invitational-Sheppard Gallery, Reno, NV
Leashes-Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, NV
Nevada Triennial-Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, NV
dialogue/monologue-Joint show with Jake Lee-High-Bleulion Art Gallery, Reno, NV
Bleulion Benefit-Bleulion Art Gallery, Reno, NV
Work on Paper-Joint show with Jake Lee-High- Never Ender Gallery, Reno, NV
art4auction-Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, NV
7th Biennial Valentine Invitational Exhibition-Sheppard Gallery, Reno, NV
Capital City Arts Initiative UNR BFA Exhibition-Joint show with Diana Snyder-Carson City, NV
Museum School Faculty Exhibit-E.L. Cord Museum School, Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, NV
Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition-Sheppard Gallery, Juried by Lawrence Rinder, Reno, NV
Home Spun, BFA Thesis Exhibition-Chapterhouse Gallery, Reno, NV
Work-Phantom Gallery, Reno, NV
Small-The Chapterhouse Gallery, Reno, NV
Street-The Chapterhouse Gallery, Reno, NV
Collective Identities, Wallworks: Light, Sound, Image-Sheppard Gallery, Reno, NV
Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition-Sheppard Gallery, Juried by James Gobel, Reno, NV
Increment-Joint show with Pete Froslie-McNamara Gallery, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
Thick Heads, Cat Hearts-Black Box Gallery, Reno, NV
Scary Art Auction-Church Fine Art Building, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
Groups Shows-Knecht Ruprecht Gallery, Reno, NV
PhD, University of Southern California, Media Arts & Practice, 2017
MFA, Rhode Island School of Design, Digital+Media, 2008
BFA, University of Nevada, Reno, Studio Art/Art History, 2006
Best Cringe Comedy, Hollywood Comedy Shorts Film Festival, 2016
Best US Short, SF Indie Fest's Another Hole in the Head Festival, 2015
Mary Pickford Scholarship, University of Southern California, 2013-2014, 2014-2015
Sony Electronics Grant, 2013
Rock Hudson Scholarship, University of Southern California, 2011-2012
Annenberg Fellow, University of Southern California, 2010-2014
President's Scholar, Rhode Island School of Design, 2006-2008
Graduate Award of Excellence (juried by Ian Berry), Rhode Island School of Design, 2008
Graduate Dean's Graduate Award for Teaching, Rhode Island School of Design, 2008
Academic Honor Roll, Rhode Island School of Design, 2006-2008
Graduate Fellowship, Rhode Island School of Design, 2006-2008
Best in Interactive Visual Art, eviltv.net, March, 2006
Sheppard Gallery Purchase Prize, 2004
Juror's Award, Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition (juried by Lawrence Rinder), 2004
Cherie Duhart Scholarship, 2003
Houghton Foundation Scholarship Art-Music, 2003
Juror's Award, Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition (juried by Beryl Graham), 2002
Capital City Arts Initiative Juried UNR BFA Award, 2004
Dean's List, College of Liberal Arts, UNR, 2002-2004
Lecture, Genres of Scholarly Knowledge Prod Conference, HUMlab, Umeå University, Sweden, 2014
Juror, Peabody Awards, 2014
Invited Speaker, Providence College, Providence, RI, 2014
Juror, 15th Annual Undergraduate Symposium, University of Southern California, 2013
Lecture, Prospectives Festival, University of Nevada Reno, Reno, NV 2012
Artist Lecture, International Symposium on Electronic Arts, Albuquerque, 2012
Artist Lecture, New Media Caucus, College Art Association Conference, LA, CA, 2012
Panel Presentation, International Symposium on Electronic Arts, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011
Residency, SuperG, Greensboro, NC, 2011
Guest Critic, Rhode Island School of Design, Digital Media Spring Critiques, 2009, 2010
Invited Speaker, Upgrade! Boston, MA 2008
Guest Critic, Providence College, Undergraduate Painting Critiques, 2008
Artist Lecture, Conference: International Symposium on Electronic Arts, Singapore, 2008
Artist Lecture, Living Arts, Tulsa, OK, 2008
Invited Speaker, The Putney School, Putney, Vermont, 2007
Artist Lecture, Conference: Reno Interdisciplinary Festival of New Media, 2006
Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Southern California, School of Cinematic Arts, classes in film production, media art, social media, 2019-present
Teaching Assistant and Workshop Instructor, University of Southern California, various classes in the School of Cinematic Arts and workshops in Final Cut Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Processing, 2010-2014
Adjunct Faculty, University of Nevada, Reno, 2011 and 2012 summer sessions, Digital Media, Art Department
Adjunct Faculty, Emerson College, Boston, Massachusetts, 2009 - 2010, Programming for New Media, Visual and Media Arts Department
Adjunct Faculty, Rhode Island College, Providence, Rhode Island, 2009 - 2010, Electronic Media Production II, Art Department, Graduate level class
Adjunct Faculty, Hostos Community College, CUNY, New York, New York, 2009-2010, Various classes, Digital Design Department and Visual and Performing Arts Department
Adjunct Faculty, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, 2008, Digital Art class, Modern Culture and Media Department
Instructor of Record, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island, 2008, Sculpture, Pre-College Summer Program
Instructor of Record, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island, 2008, Digitalia, Digital Media Department, Graduate level class
Teaching Assistant, Fusion Arts Exchange, US State Department, 2007, Digital Media @ RISD, Summer Program
Prologue Yields, Shepard Gallery, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, 2012
The Wrong Side of Reno: 30 Years of Punk and Hardcore-Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, NV, 2010
Full Disclosure-Tompkins Projects, NYC, NY, 2009
Body and Ritual-Sol Koffler Gallery, Providence, RI, 2008
Tell-Chapterhouse Gallery, co-curated with Jen Graham, Reno, NV, 2004
Jensen Ward-Tiny Box Gallery, Reno, NV, 2003
The Art of the Polaroid-Tiny Box Gallery, Reno, NV2003
The Tiny Box Show-Tiny Box Gallery, w/ the Knecht Ruprecht Gallery, Reno, NV, 2003
Co-Founder and Associate Director, Tompkins Projects Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, 2009 – 2014
Programs Assistant, College Art Association, New York, NY, 2009 – 2010
Project Manager, Misguided Machines and Cultural Loops, exhibition curated by Christiane Paul, NYC, 2006
Assistant Exhibitions Manager, Pixilerations v.3, Providence, Rhode Island, 2006
New Media Venture Hall Facilitator, International Symposium on Electronic Art, San Jose, California, 2006
Curatorial Assistant, Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, Nevada, 2003-2005
Nona Willis Aronowitz and Emma Bee Bernstein, Girldrive, pages 196 - 197, published by Seal Press, 2009
Kazys Varnelis, The Immediated Now, Network Culture and the Poetics of Reality, Networked: a (networked_book) about (networked_art), networkedbook.org, 2009
Susan E. Ryan, Social Fabrics: Wearables + Media + Interactivity, Leonardo: Art, Science, Technology, Volume 42, Issue 2, 2009
Xtine Burrough, Analog Interactivity, Visual Communications Quarterly, 2009
Susan E. Ryan and Patrick Lichty, Social Fabrics, Intelligent Agent, 8.1, 2008